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Donate Your Blood


The best donation in the world is Blood donation. It is much more better than donating money.
A normal human have five to six litres of blood in his/her body. The blood taken out of our body during is only 300ml. This blood is replaced by your own body within 24 hours. People above age 18 and weight over 50 can donate blood once in three months.

Before donating our blood, we should not have taken any medicines in last 24 hours. The donor should have not contracted jaundice in previous three years.Every donor is given a prior medical checkup to the donor before the donation of blood and the Doctor's will check whether his/her body is fit for donating blood and does not suffer from anemia, high blood pressure etc..the donor cannot contract AIDS or any other disease by Donating blood.

Health is wealth and blood is that fragile scarlet tree we carry with in us.
Dont think that nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something. so let us join to save life.
what we want to do now is "Find a need and fill it".

happiness lies,first of all,in health....keep these words in your heart and help others. because service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on the Earth.


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