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Let us have an Apple a day for a healthy diet, because apple is the only fruit that gives instant energy, a glowing skin and zero fat to our body. Apple are a good source of dietary fiber and vitamin c. A normal sized apple have 13% of the dietary fiber and 11% of vitamin c. One apple can supply 70-100 calories, 0.36g protein and 0.23g of fat, other nutrients that apple have are vitamin k, vitamin B6, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, and Pottasium.

Eating apple is good for the lung health, it also reduces the blood cholesterol, protects brain cells etc., Normal apple contains around 85% of water in their make up, which can contribute to our daily water intake. Apple contains phloridzin and phytonutrients, in which the phloridzin is used to protect woman from osteoporosis and may also increase bone density, the phytonutrients is used to prevent neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and parkinson. Since we know that the apple are great source of fiber and it helps to aid digestion and promotes weight loss. since we are going on the topic of apple, we should know who is the leading producer of apple in the world, so here is the answer. The largest apple producer in the world is china with about 40% of total production, and the U.S standing in the second with more than 7.5% of the total production.

so, let us all have an APPLE a day to make our self strong and healthy.


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