Let us have an Apple a day for a healthy diet, because apple is the only fruit that gives instant energy, a glowing skin and zero fat to our body. Apple are a good source of dietary fiber and vitamin c. A normal sized apple have 13% of the dietary fiber and 11% of vitamin c. One apple can supply 70-100 calories, 0.36g protein and 0.23g of fat, other nutrients that apple have are vitamin k, vitamin B6, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, and Pottasium.
Eating apple is good for the lung health, it also reduces the blood cholesterol, protects brain cells etc., Normal apple contains around 85% of water in their make up, which can contribute to our daily water intake. Apple contains phloridzin and phytonutrients, in which the phloridzin is used to protect woman from osteoporosis and may also increase bone density, the phytonutrients is used to prevent neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and parkinson. Since we know that the apple are great source of fiber and it helps to aid digestion and promotes weight loss. since we are going on the topic of apple, we should know who is the leading producer of apple in the world, so here is the answer. The largest apple producer in the world is china with about 40% of total production, and the U.S standing in the second with more than 7.5% of the total production.
so, let us all have an APPLE a day to make our self strong and healthy.
Labels: Health
Wikipedia is a free web-based and collaborative multilingual encyclopedia, born in the project supported by the non-profit wikimedia foundation. Wikipedia has around 13 million articles, in this 2.9 million articles are in English. All the articles are written collaboratively by volunteers around the world, and almost all of the articles can be edited by anyone who can access the Wikipedia website. Wikipedia was launched in 2001 by Jimmy Wales and larry Sanger, now it is the worlds largest and most popular general reference work on the internet.
Wikipedia began as a complementary project for Nupedia, a free online English language encyclopedia project whose articles were written by the experts and reviewed under a formal process. This Nupedia was founded on March 9, 2000, under the ownership of Bomis, Inc, a web portal company. Its main figures were Jimmy Wales, Bomis CEO, and Larry Sanger,
editor-in-chief for Nupedia and later Wikipedia.
Wikipedia was believed to be the ultimate encyclopedia by the people and for the people. But eight years on, the site is plagued by many problems. Some of them are
# The number of articles added per month flattened at 60,000 in 2006.
# The number of edits made every month and the number of active editors both stopped growing, flattening out at around 5.5 million and 750,000 respectively.
# The foundation's finances is the major problem to Wikipedia.
One thing that every one of us must note is that, if the quality of Wikipedia could be degrade as there would be fewer editors checking for errors and the correcting the vandalism that accompanies user-gen websites.
Labels: ultimate encyclopedia
Friendship day 2009
Friendship is the only relationship, which can start with a single word "hi", but it never ends even after speaking millions of word. Sometimes in life we think we don't need anyone, but sometimes we don't have anyone when we are in need. so don't your best buddies go ever...
At the age of 10 years, you consider parents and friends as the best.,
at the age of 20 years, you feel your lover and friends as the best.,
at the age of 30 years, you feel your friends and wife are the best.,
at the age of 40, you feel your friends and kids as the best.,
at the age of 50, you feel your friends and relatives as the best.,
at the age of 60, and even till your death you will feel that your friend is the best.
people may leave you alone in any part of life, but friends will never leave you at all.
Labels: friendship day
The Indian skipper bought his new do-anything-drive-anywhere HUMMER for a cool
Rs 1 crore. Dhoni picked this SUV for its macho look, though the vehicle is criticised for poor fuel economy as it runs around 100 kms on as much as17 litres of petrol. Buying a heavy duty SUVs was dhoni's passion, so he had done lot of researches before investing money on his dream car.
# The HUMMER that Dhoni own is a equipped to drive through water up to 30 inches deep.
# The H2 can climb a 16 inch vertical wall, navigate a 60% grade, traverse a 40% side slope, and operate in up to 20 inches of water.
# Dual fuel tanks with 25 gallons in the promary tank and 17 gallons in the reserve tank.
# For individualised front-seat comfort, the standard dual-zone front controls allow the driver and front passenger to set individualised temperature with asa mush as a 25 degree fahrenheit difference.
# Run flat tires where rubber spacer assemblies are placed inside each wheel enabling you to drive on one or more flat tores for up to 30 miles at 20 mph.
# It has a UTC system that prevents wheel spin.
Dhoni already owns couple of Mahindra Scorpios, a Pajero, a Toyata Corrola, a Maruthi SX4 and a heavy Harley Davidson Motorbike. After his new SILVER GREY HUMMER, (which is 17 feet long and 7 feet wide, with a 6,200 cc engine) he is not only captain of Indian cricket team, now he is captain for his new HUMMER also.
Labels: HUMMER
Tomato treat
The free radicals in our body can be flushed out with high levels of lycopene, which is found in abundance in tomatoes. Several types of cancers can also be cured by the lycopene present in our bodies. Many researches also discovered that men who consumed 10 tomatoes a week can cut risk of developing prostate cancer by 45 %, while men who consume 7 raw tomatoes a week can lower the effect of developing stomach cancer by 60 %.
Cooked tomatoes are even more richer than the normal raw tomatoes. Cooking tomatoes in olive oil allows your body to absorb the lycopene in a better way. And they are rich in potassium and contain niacin, vitamin B6, and folate which is good for heart. Tomatoes are also rich in two anti-ageing free radicals lycopene and beta carotene. This beta carotene is converted into vitamin A once you eat it. Vitamin A helps in devolpment of healthy skin, hair and aids vision and development of bones and teeth. Most important thing that we want to do while picking up the tomatoes is, make sure that you choose the ones that come in the brightest shades of red as these have high amounts of beta carotene and lycopene. Since they contain lots of fibre and are low in calories, tomatoes are a great food to include in your diet if you're keen in losing your weight.
Labels: Health
The refreshed image of Neil Armstrong's first landing of moon on july 20, 1969 was done by the hands of Indian company. The Nasa has given the video to remaster the footage of the 1969 moon landing to a subsidiary of Adlabs Films, which is owned by the Anil Ambani group. The work of remastering the video of Nasa is to mark the 40th anniversary of the landing.
The restoration of the footage was started in may 2009 and it is handled by the Lowry Digital Corporation, a 100% subsidiary of the Adlabs Films. The space agency have decided to spend a amount of $230,000 to restore all the images. The Reliance Big Entertainment had acquired the Lowry Digital Images business in April 2008, for approximately $7.5 million. The Nasa unveiled the restored video a couple of days before to celebrate the 40th anniversary of landing on the moon. The footage picked out many details which was missing from the initial broadcasts. The images have also showed the Neil Armstrong and Aldrin skipping across the moon for planting the US flag. And for the first time there was a clear reflection of the lunar landscape in Armstrong's visor.
Labels: First landing on the moon
Want a change in your hairstyle?
Tired of your current hairstyle?
want a change?
here's how...
If you avoid cutting your hair completely. It will only lead to breaking and splitting, so just trim the ends of your hair layers regularly. Splurge on some funky hair accessories like colourful head-bands, barrettes, pins and hair clips. If you're growing out your bangs, pin them up innovatively. If you have thick hair, just inform your hairdresser to use the thinning scissors so that your hair is more manageable. Be sure to rinse out all the shampoo and use conditioner properly. Eating healthy and sleeping well will not only help your hair but also your skin. Use a wide-toothed avoid brushing too much. Clip-on extensions are a great way to add temporary length to the hair.
Labels: fashion
If you enjoyed reading The Da Vinci Code or Angels and Demons, then you will love reading THE ATLANTIS CODE too. The book will evoke the same interest in you, as you showed before to the other two books named above. This book has a new level of mystery, adventure and excitement.
An artefact is discovered in a dusty antique shop in Alexandria, Egypt. The 20,000 year-old relic is inscribed with what appears to bethe long last language of Atlantis, an ancient city. And thus begins a deadly archeological hunt and race against time. The only man who can decode the meaning is the world's leading linguist, Dr Thomas Lourds. If he stays alive long enough, then the race will be on. And the Lourd's challengers are ready to do anything to get there first. An action packed adventure, THE ATLANTIS CODE is an edge of the seat thriller with nail biting finish. Truly, archeology has never before been so exciting.
Spark plugs are replaced by Laser to start up the Cars
Liverpool university and Ford have come up with a new technology to introduce laser instead of normal spark plugs to start up the cars. Using laser in ignition system is much easier to ignite the fuel then the normal spark plug. This technology is more reliable and efficient than the current spark plug technology and would help in starting up the vehicles even in cold and damp condition.
You may have a question that why scientist have done research on laser for ignition, but not on other things?
Laser can be focused and split into more than beams to give two or more ignition points, which means it can give up the best chance of ignition than any other thing.
If we consider the current ignition system, the spark plugs are normally positioned at the bottom or top of the cylinder and sometimes they can often fail to ignite the fuel effectively if the petrol is not in right position in the cylinder. But in the new technology the spark plug is replaced by the laser which is powered by the car battery, which is sent along thin optical fibers in to the engines cylinders, when lenses focus the beam into an intense pinprick of light.
There is no doubt that, this technology is going to get a huge response from the people's all around the world. So, soon we all will forget spark plugs, because you would be able to start your car by laser.
Labels: laser spark plug
World's largest Trencher
A trencher is a equipment used for the construction purpose, it is used to dig trenches, typically laying pipes, cables etc. The trenches are also available in different sizes and ranges according to the need. The picture which is shown above is the largest trencher in the world. The trencher is otherwise known as Rotating shovel. This trencher is built by Krupp in Germany. Huge amount of money is spent for making this trencher. The total money spent to built this trencher is about $100 million. The machine is cheap when they are made as self propelled.
The time taken to built and manufacture this trencher is 5 years. The machine is 95 meters high and 215 meters long, this is almost equal to 2 football fields in distance. The weight of the machine is 45,500 tonnes. The maximum digging speed of this machine is 10 meters per minute. This giant machine has an ability to move 76,000 cubic meter of rock, coal and earth per day.
The are also different types of trenchers which is available are :
* Wheel trencher
* Chain trencher
* Rock wheel
* Portable trencher
The latest 300 horsepower Rock wheel trencher is the famous underground equipment which is used for construction. In this new type of rock wheel trencher, the vibrations are adjusted automatically by the trencher stabilizers. This 300 horsepower rock wheel trencher is also named as HT300. It can trench 10 feet with a width of 36 inches in places like rock laden sites. The maximum power is given to the trencher due to an effective flywheel gear box used in the HT300. The cruise control system in this machine have the tendency to increase the ground speed automatically. These are the specialties of this HT300 rock wheel machine.
Labels: Trencher
Rat Island is now Rat Free Island
In America, next to the Alaska there is an island named Aleutians island. Many small islands are seen near this Aleutians island. In that a island is named as RAT island, because rats have ruled that island for more than 200 years. Now this has come to an end, because all these rats in the island is killed. The area of the Rat island is around 26 sq.km.
In 1870, a Japanese goods ship had ran aground on the island and got sink in the sea. Some rats in the ship entered the island. since there is no humans lived in the island, only birds like eagle used to live in the island. After some years, the number of rats in the island started to increase rapidly. At first the rats started to eat the eggs of the birds, and then it moved to the kill the birds to eat them up. The rats never let to grow even the trees in the island. Due to this number trees and birds in the island is decreased.
At some stage, it is found that there is no living things other than rats in the island. so, the government decided to kill all these rats in the island. They made many plans to kill the rats completely, but nothing worked for them. Just few months before, they started to spray the poison for 10 days continuously throughout the entire island to kill the rats with the help of helicopter. Due to this the ruling of rats for past 229 years in the island is now reached to an end. Now birds have started to lay eggs in the trees of the island so, the RAT ISLAND is now RAT FREE ISLAND.
Labels: Rat island
Did Jackson spend $ 2.5 million a month for medicines?
All time king of pop, Michael joseph jackson (1958 - 2009) is no more in this world. Originally he was named as Michael joseph jackson, but later for others he named himself as Michael jackson. He was one of the most successful recording artist of all time. His name was included in Guiness book of records for many times. He have got 13 Grammy awards in his career. Some dance steps like robot and moonwalk was been popularized by him. Albums of jackson such as BLACK OR WHITE and SCREAM had made to him to reach a very high peak and it increased his popularity all over the world. He is the only artist who have a huge fans following him all over the world. Michael was a very good singer, song writer, producer, choreographer, and businessman.
Jackson's personal life has became a tragedy to him and he faced more controversy for his changing appearence, child sexual abuse etc..., Later in order to reduce the stress which he faced, he started to have pain-killers. One year before his death it seems that he was having severe body pains, heart problems, nerve weakness, and depression. To cure all these problems he used to have medicines daily, but he had medicines more than the level what doctor's have priscribed to him. Though the medicines are not poisonous, the amount which he used to take was very harmful to his health condition. In 2001 he was unable to a money of $ 30,000 million to mickipine pharmacy. It seems that at his last days, he have spend more than $ 2.5 million for his medicines. But time has taken away our Michael Jackson, who died on 25th june 2009, after suffering from cardiac arrest at his rented los angeles mansion.
Labels: michael jackson
i Phone
Apple's iPhone is an internet connected , multimedia smartphone designed and marked by Apple Inc. the iPhone is a multi-touch screen phone, which has a portable media player, internet client with email, web browser, camera etc. This iPhone very popular with the Gen Y. Though a little pricy byt as many would like to nut it... The iPhone may able to download news while you sleep and lock or unlock your house or car! They can even act as spy cameras watching every movements of others.
By the internet facility 74% of all mobile web traffic is generated by the 10 - 20 million iPhones users in the worldwide, with over 200,000,000 plus downloads in amonths time.
If you want to know how long your iPhone would last if you watched videos or listened to music. Here are some eye opener stats about its power backup :
* Talk time : up to 8 hours
* Standby time : up to 250 hours
* Internet use : up to 6 hours
* Video backup : up to 7 hours
* Audio backuo : up to 24 hours
The applications available in the iPhone are:
* iBeer
* Dog Whistler
* Safari browser
* Influenza
* Star Wars Sound Board
* Bulletflight
Finally the iPhone have changed our behavior and expectations towards mobile devices. It really has revolusionised the mobile industry in a whole new way.
Labels: Apple i Phone
Fathers day
Image of Father...
From the first time he saw you, he cradled in his arms, he has loved you more than anyone else in this world. Did you remember the time when you were in delirious fever...? , he was on your side praying for you wide awake to make you get soon. He was the one who combed your hair at an age when you didn't have a clue about fashion...
When you won the 1st prize in your school competition, he was there in front of you, watching silently with his eyes wet with happiness and pride to have son/daughter like you. No matter how big you are grown, you can overcome your fears and tears by his guidance. Sometimes he will make you feel like a little child again.
you are the star for his eyes,
the heart for his heart,
the reason for his life.
Show him that you also fell the same, never ever make him sad.
None can come equal to father. He is a man born to make us live happy.
let him be happy in this day...
cheers for dad...
take care of your dad.
Labels: fathers day
Job cuts for robots
We all know that now there is job cuts in many countries of the world due recession. Job cuts is not only for the humans is now happened to the robots. Robots are the automatically operated machine which is used to replace the human efforts, though it may not resemble human beings in appearance. Japan is famous for production of robots. Many top robot production companies are also situated in japan only.
As we know that japan companies are leading in robot production. To reduce the amount of money spent for employees, many companies, hotels and hospitals used robots for emergency purposes. This became quite normal in Japan for a period of time. Some years back there was a high demand for robots, so that in order to equalize the demand the YASKAWA ELECTRONIC COMPANY became as the top leading seller of robots. But now if we step in to the yaskawa electronic company, the robots which are ordered by many companies are standing in silence, because the robots not delivered. Due to recession even the delivered robots which was ordered by the companies are also returning back to the yaskawa company itself. The yaskawa company have lost 33% of its share, i.e around $ 35 million from january 2009 to march, but now the company has came back to retain its position in markets.
Labels: robot
Skeleton with the proof of Leprosy
We all know that LEPROSY is one of the most ancient disease which is also mentioned in bible. Leprosy is a bacterial disease, which affects the skin and nerves (especially hands and feet). This leprosy is very infectious and it is hard to catch. Now a skeleton of 4000 years old is found in India with some traces of leprosy. It seems that the skeleton with the proof of leprosy must have buried early about 2000 BC. This skeleton is found in Rajasthan (a state in India), which is called as Balathal in early 2000 BC. This Balathal is formed from about 3700 to 1800 BC.
Scientist have found that leprosy must have originated from India or Africa, and this may have spread to Europe from Asia during the returning of Alexander the great. Previously a skeleton with leprosy is found to be dated between 300 to 400 BC in Thailand and Egypt. The skeleton with leprosy which is found in India shows with early texts that refer to the disease as early as 1550 BC. though the leprosy is a easily curable disease today, it is estimated that there were around 212,000 new cases found last year worldwide. Actually the rate of the patients affected by the leprosy is falling down every year, this is a official details released by the World Health Organisation. Let us all hope that this leprosy disease soon quits from the earth to feel safe from these type of disease.
Labels: Leprosy
Sony's eye toy
The ultimate computer game that banishes handheld controls and allows the player's interaction to dedicate the action on screen is to be launched by microsoft. Microsoft Xbox 360 uses 3-D camera technology, and is aimed at challenging the other game boxes.
Allowing users to kick a virtual football, drive a car or practise dance movements with the computer generated partner simply by monitoring the individual's movement. This entertainment box will become a must have thing for any child or even youngsters. The above picture is a screen shot from sony's eye toy. This game can detect player's action in to two dimensions.
The microsoft camera which is the first one to sense the 3-D motion in to a game. This game is based on the technology developed in the 3-DV systems, an israeli company recently acquired by microsoft. It uses infrared light to detect the real-life gestures and the player's distance from the camera. This information is then converted in to a related movement on screen. A source came the microsoft that the game is made easy to suit for every one, so that even your grandmother can operate and monitor the game condition easily.
Labels: Game
Cell phone elbow
Welcome to the world of mobile phones and health perils. First it was the risk of repetitive strain injury from texting then came the "recall impairment" from ringtones followed by brain damage. And now the latest menace of wired age is being described as "mobile phone elbow".
According to heal this "mobile phone elbow" problem, experts say that mobile phone users who hold their phone to their to the ear for prolonged periods are at risk of developing the painful condition of their arm. By bending their elbow too tight for a long time until they cut-off the call, these things could cause overextend the ulnar nerve, which runs from the elbow to control our ring and little fingers. As well as being painful, this can lead to tingling or numbness from the elbow to the fingers.
Sufferers of the condition can find it difficult to perform tasks, such as opening jars, and may need anti-inflammatory jabs or even surgery. To fight the "elbow", experts suggest mobile users to stay away from the mobiles or switch the handset from hand to hand every often.
Labels: Mobile
Ten, nine, eight, seven... lift off. I think you have heard these words. These words would sound like music to an astronomer's ears. As the countdown progresses, the rocket's engines fire and give it the required push to tear the atmosphere of the earth's gravitation. These rockets take astronauts, artificial satellites or man made satellites in to the space. It is said that a satellite rotates around the earth and the gravitational pull of the earth like an invisible rope keeps the satellite from flying away.
Why does a satellite come down?
At one point, the satellite loses its speed, making the gravitational pulling it away. This makes the satellite come crashing down to the earth. Most of the material gets burnt even before it reaches earth because of the intense heat generated due to friction with the atmosphere. These satellites are works on solar cells which directly absorb light from the sun.
The first artificial satellite is SPUTNIK- 1. Satellites are mostly used for tele-communication purposes. Many countries have their own satellites for Defence purpose, so that they can protect themselves without any other countries idea.
Labels: Space Satellite
Sun - PART- 2
We all know that the sun is the most prominent feature in our solar system. It is the largest object and contains approximately 98% of the solar system mass. One hundred and nine Earths would be required to fit across the sun's disk, and its interior could hold over 1.3 million Earths. The sun's outer visible layer is called the photosphere and has the temperature of 6,000 degree Celsius. This layer has a mottled appearance due to the turbulent eruptions of energy at the surface.
Principle chemistry
hydrogen 92.1%
helium 7.8%
oxygen 0.061%
carbon 0.030%
nitrogen 0.0084%
neon 0.0076%
iron 0.0037%
silicon 0.0031%
magnesium 0.0024%
sulfur 0.0015%
all others 0.0015%
The chromosphere is above the photosphere. Solar energy passes through this region on its way out from the center of the sun. Faculae and flares arise in the chromosphere. Faculae are bright-luminous hydrogen clouds which form above regions, where sunspots are about to form. Flares are bright filaments of hot gas emerging from sunspot regions. sunspots are the rare depressions on the photosphere with a typical temperature of 4,000 degree Celsius.
The corona is the outer part of the sun's atmosphere. It is in this region that prominences appears.Prominences are immense of clouds glowing gas that erupt from the upper chromosphere. The outer region of the corona stretches far into the space and consists of particles traveling slowly away from the sun. The corona can be only seen during solar eclipses.
Labels: sun
How old is the Sun? PART-1
The sun is said to be 150 million km (93 million miles) away from the earth, but it provides us with energy bringing life on our planet. it defines the seasons, the harvests and even the sleep patterns of all living creatures in this world. The plays a very important role of an anchor which creates gravity that keeps our earth and other planets of the solar system in a small space. if sun is not there all the planets of our solar system would fly off loose in the universe.
Sun is entirely gaseous and there is no solid surface. No matter when or where we look at the sun, we will always see something interesting. Scientists are observing the changes that is happening in the sun and they concluding the information's by watching the sunspots and the sun increases and decreases on a regular cycle of 10.8 years. SOHO is the instrument that helps the NASA scientists to understand the sun better along with other satellites and large observatories on the earth. A recent theory claims that there are magnetic instabilities in the core of the sun, which may cause fluctuations with periods of either 41,000 or 100,000 years. these would give us the better explanations on the ICE AGES, on which we are very much worried about now.
Labels: sun
Carrom - Get to know them better
The game of carrom is an scientific as billiards. In many countries it is called 'finger billiards'. It requires a very good knowledge of angles, keen sight, control of nerves and deep concentration. This indoor have various other names around the world, some of them are carrum, carum, karam, karum, karom and Indian or Nepalese finger billiards. Similar games like carrom are there all over Asia, like vindi vindi in Fiji and szhe szhe in Israel. Some variants make use of different objects instead of fashioned playing pieces, caps of the bottles are also used for games which is similar to carrom in Mexico and Java. Carrom is played in Philippines in the name of karambola and also as pool table.
The carrom, one of the most popular indoor games is said to be played in india for more then a century. According to an estimate more than 15 million people play this game in India. Once treated a pastime game limited to childrens and ladies, it is now being played at competitve level in a well organised manner.
Labels: Indoor Game
Stay Slim To Save The Earth
At this time we people are doing lot of things to get back the global trend towards fatness, and recognize it as a key factor in the battle to reduce carbon emission and slow climate change. Scientists have made a calculation that, each fat person is responsible for about 1 tonne of CO2 emissions a year on a average than a each thin people. It is estimated that each man in this world accounts for 11 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions a year.
It is also stated that the people of 1 billion who are lean are emitting 1000million tonnes less CO2 per year when compared to the people who are fat ones. A information that reached the human research department is that 30 among 100 people are fat in this world. The most recent statistics from the center of disease control stated that in every country, average body mass index is raising, that is more people are becoming fetter and heavier. So, here we conclude that thin people are the one who save the world.
Labels: who saves the earth?
Are you bored by this process. Here is solution for your problem. Here comes the BACKUP PAL. All you to do is to buy is this backup pal and connect to your phone just press one button and wait for some seconds. The process is completed. All of your contacts, reminders, birthday notes, etc... is now transferred to your BACKUP PAL.
After you buy a phone. You have to connect the BACKUP PAL to your new phone and once again just press press one button and wait for few seconds.All your data will be transferred to your new phone. All this phone transfer process becomes so simple once you buy this BACKUP PAL.
breast feeding boost's baby's IQ

Now a days many mother's in the world are busy thinking whether to give breast feed milk or bottle milk. The real fact is that breast feed babies are growing faster and being intelligent when compared to bottle feed babies.
According to the recent research by American psychologists, mother's who exercise during pregnancy are helping to boost their child's IQ. Though mother's play important role in shaping her children's ability to learn and reason, starting shortly after conception. Children whose mother exercised 30 minutes a day scores around eight points higher in the basic IQ test than the children's whose mother dint exercise before pregnancy.
Previous generations of mother were encouraged to avoid breast feeding and exercising, because they think that they will lose their beauty if they give breast feed the milk to their child. This is simply stupid. But official advice of Doctor's from all over the world is By Exercising, large muscle group increases the growth of neutrons and add to the blood of the brain. Exercise and breast feeding combined will raise child's IQ.
The way a mother talks to a child also increases the child's IQ. The parents should ask some questions to which they already know answer. this will encourage the child to seek answers to their own questions.
so, Doctor's and the Experts want to convey a message that 'burning fat by exercising while expecting and 9 months of breast feeding make a clever child to a mother.
Labels: Feeding Intelligence
Green life
Want to live a green life?
Here is a way. Make more space for more greenery at home by opting for indoor plants. Plants add a feeling of warmth to home. Bring them home to liven up your life.
To make home look green, we need to select on of the best indoor plants. While selecting the plant, Keep in mind the environment which includes light, temperature, humidity, soil, water and nutrients.
The plants that you choose should be easy to care for, and they must be able to tolerate the low levels of light and humidity inside the house. Some of the plants that are preferred by many people are Arica palm plants, Croton, and other is silver dust plant. These plants need to be placed on top of the soil mix in the pot.
Maintenance of these plants does not take much of our time. though the indoor potted plant tends to collect lot of dust and grime. Use soft damp cloth to wipe the leaves. The main thing is we want to water the plant daily or sprinkle the water all over the plant. To see a good growth the plant always keep the plant in a place where it can get a moderate amount of sunlight.
Labels: Green environment
Here is a small information about the blue ray disc. firstly we have to know who introduced this blue ray disc in the market. Blue ray disc is developed by Sony. Blue ray disc surpassed storage capacity of DVD disc about 6 times. Blue ray disc is available two different formats. First one single layer has a storage capacity of 25 gigabytes. Other one is Dual layer which has storage capacity of 50 gigabytes. We can store more Data than Dual layer DVD because it uses shorter wave length (405 nanometer). Blue ray disc is available in two different sizes they are standard disc size 12 cm diameter, other one mini size 8 cm diameter.
Blue ray disc data layer is near to the disc surface than the DVD disc. So the Blue ray disc has more scratches than any other disc. So they use cartridges for protection. TDK was the first company to work on to reduce the scratches on the Blue ray disc and they succeed. Sony developed a new method for reducing scratches in the disc. The method is spin-coated with a scratch –resistant and antistatic coating.
INFLATABLE PUB is designed and created by airquee Ltd. The pub is 40ft long, 19ft wide and 22ft height. This pub can be made ready in just 10 minute with two small air blowers. This INFLATABLE PUB can be placed in any surface. This pub contains fully operated bar and can hold up to 50 customers. Pub has an internal aluminum frame is used to support additional light and music systems.
INFLATABLE PUB developers planned to export this pub to other countries. They are also planned to give locals on rent for parties. The INFLATABLE PUB is just like a bouncy castle and it has lots of fun for people who rented this pub. This pub can be rented to impress your girlfriends and your neighbors. This INFLATABLE PUB got very famous with in a short period in the western countries. Let us wait for the pub to reach our area soon.
Labels: pub
Tips to prevent hard disk from crashing

Do you know how hard disk crashes? What can be done to prevent Hard disk from crashing?
Here is the answer for what you are waiting all this time.
We all know that Hard disk is the place where we store all our data that we need, so we need to take some special care about the hard disk. Once the hard disk is crashed the data lost cannot be recovered, though there may be many data recoverable software's and programs in the market this will not help the normal system users.
Here is some tips to prevent the hard disk from crashing and also to make it work more efficient than before. The following tips are arranged by rating the top most possibilities or reasons for hard disk crashing and it also tells how it can be prevented.
1. Natural wear and tear of parts, which can be limited from by defragmenting your hard disk from time to time.
2. Physical impact, this can be solved by using the hard disk carefully when installing,as well as reinstalling. when installing the hard disk it is seen that hard disk sits perfectly horizontal and it does not shake or vibrate once the computer is switched ON.
3. Power management tools, this will be used to enhance the hard disk life To access this program go to Start - Control panel - power options and set the parameters for various hardware devices.
4. Disk cleanup, it will help to increase the efficiency of the hard disk and it makes the to work more faster then before and delete the unwanted files and folders regularly.
By following all the above tips you can protect your hard disk from crashing and you can feel your hard disk work more efficient than before, so i think this few information will help to increase the hard disk life.
Labels: hard disk
Etna volcano

Mount Etna in the east coast of Silcili is the Greatest active volcano in the europe. The height of the Etna mount varies with every eruptions, the current height of the Etna mount is about 10,910 ft (3326 m). The mountain is 71 ft (21.6 m) is lower than what it was in 1865.though the Eruptions are very common, the Eruptions have occured more than 100 times.
In its summit there are 4 eruptive mouths. The eruption showed a declined treand in the the late year 2003. The 2003 eruption was more violent and more devastating then the previous one in the year 2001. There fissures on the two sides of the Etna which does not cause any danger.
Etna is one of the most active volcanoes in the world and is in an almost constant state of eruption. Although it can be occasionally be very destructive, it is not generraly regarded as being particularly dangerous, and thousands of people live around in its slope and its surrondings. The most sad news is that lots people have lost their lives just only because of this Etna mountain, and still they have not moved from there to a safer place.
Labels: Natural Active volcano
Donate Your Blood
The best donation in the world is Blood donation. It is much more better than donating money.
A normal human have five to six litres of blood in his/her body. The blood taken out of our body during is only 300ml. This blood is replaced by your own body within 24 hours. People above age 18 and weight over 50 can donate blood once in three months.
Before donating our blood, we should not have taken any medicines in last 24 hours. The donor should have not contracted jaundice in previous three years.Every donor is given a prior medical checkup to the donor before the donation of blood and the Doctor's will check whether his/her body is fit for donating blood and does not suffer from anemia, high blood pressure etc..the donor cannot contract AIDS or any other disease by Donating blood.
Health is wealth and blood is that fragile scarlet tree we carry with in us.
Dont think that nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something. so let us join to save life.
what we want to do now is "Find a need and fill it".
happiness lies,first of all,in health....keep these words in your heart and help others. because service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on the Earth.
Labels: blood donation
Curtains can truly be called decorative utility products. They serve many purposes like decoration, change the look of the room, and provide privacy to the home. cotton and silk were the most popular fabrics for curtains and are still the most likable ones according to the indian tradition. Polyester and other synthetics have gained ground in past few years.
manufacturers of Curtains have captured different art forms like embroidery, applique and even painting to us to buy their products. money spending on such items like curtains which proves the skill of a man is not at all waste. Traditional art forms like zardauzi are also used to give a touch of richness to the decor. Painted curtains give an artistic feel and block prints a traditional touch.
curtains not only change the look of a hall or room it also changes the mood of the people which depends up on the presence. you can see this even in your own house , Just a change of window curtains your family members will have a trendy charm look in their room. Curtains are usually made of handworks , but it is available inb readymade itself. curtains should be selected in such a way that it suits your room colour, design etc...
Labels: decorative products
Aston Martin - The Bond's Favorite Car
In 1913, Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford founded a company that later had become Aston Martin. At the time, Martin & Bamford Limited produced Singers racing cars, but the 0they wanted to create a more sophisticated model of their own and now they are doing it. They named their first car Aston Martin after the founder Lionel Martin and the Aston Clinton hill climb racing course where their Singers car had won more races than any other previously.
We can't talk about Aston Martin without mentioning James Bond. In 1959, Ian Fleming put his super spy James Bond in an Aston Martin DB Mark III. When it was made into a movie in 1964, Bond drove an updated, supersleek silver Aston Martin DB5 which has machine gun, passenger ejector seat, and revolving number plates. Even in the recent James bond film "Quantum of solace" the aston martin car was used to give some thrill to the audience. Every car lover in this world will like to drive the ASTON MARTIN car atleast once in their life time to feel it.
Labels: aston martin
History of FIAT logo
The famous Fiat "scrabble tiles" logo of the 1960s was designed by the company's Chief Designer who was driving past the Fiat factory during a power outage and saw an outline of the factory's neon sign against the dark sky .
Though the history of Fiat was so small, i think you people who read this will feel good.
Labels: FIAT